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Sites of associated businesses and friends, or sites designed by Tom Ellis - Please visit and add to your site lists!

ozone.jpggo to Dr. Thadeus Ozone
isoval.jpggo to Island Snow Hawaii
pacseaslogo.jpggo to Pacific Seas Inc. website
OK - these are some great people for whom I am designing tees and graphics. Born and raised in Hawaii and now manufacturing in California... Quality!

This is an amazing place to visit - see these little blue and yellow teeshirts flying around this page - the java script was written by this guy: Dr. Thadeuis Ozone - Here is the ultimate web guru and a true revolutionary in design and thinking .... take a look and if your a novice at this web stuff like me, this wil knock your socks is the guy your mother warned you about...

My good friends in Hawaii have the best snowboard shop this side of the Rockies...I worked there for many years - Check it out...
Go to Humble Bee Removal
silverLOGO.jpggo to  Solar Sound - Bill Daly
This is the homepage of Bill Daly and his company: SOLAR SOUND. My friend and a great sound man - he did the sound for the Atlanta Olymipics and for all of the Wheel of Fortune shows! He is the person who turned me into a mac addict....thanks Bill

This is the website for Jason, my oldest son! He is a beekeeper and bee specialist in the San Francisco Bay Area - Check out the photos of a bee colony removal - Amazing!

Go to Sunpower Systems, Inc.

hula2.jpggo to the Go Barefoot website
Here is our latest project - with an eye on the emerging Poker and Gaming industry! The site and many of the embroidered silk shirts were designed at Grove Grafx.
Here is the Go Barefoot Manufacturing online catalog and website, which I have designed and produced for this great Aloha-wear company..A HAWAIIAN TRADITION
From my old friend and traveling companion, Henry Adams...who manufactures solar powered cells for phones and other handheld devices!